Saturday, April 28, 2012

been busy......

You have to know it has been too busy around here.......that is why I haven't blogged in know this ..........right??? Well.....let me explain.......first there was WHIBSIB.......the annual trek to Buda Texas and the LSSK gal knitting weekend!  
 This year seemed so much better than the past.......wait......maybe I say that every year?
But no matter it was totally fun.........
Then there was the bright idea of getting a new was time. So off shopping I went and came home with lots of help.........
next it was out with the old..........
                                              and in with the new....

only one problem............seems we had parts left over that didn't fit.........and missing parts as I spent the afternoon chatting with "I-Sac" online........only for him to tell me I needed to 'purchase the missing parts'? For a new unit???

Instead I went back to 'the source'......the store couldn't figure why 'interesting' parts were shipped with our micro either but had a great back home........hubby and I 'un-install' new micro........back to store.........get refund..........walk back to appliance center and pick out a 'new' micro (I had the man open the box and we checked everything) then back home to 're-install' my new Microwave!    Somehow it seemed much easier the second time around.   And we also noticed the difference in the first one and the one we kept.......

This one looks like the model I meant to purchase the first time.........the other one?  Have decided that it was the 'reject'......but no matter now I have a happier kitchen!

And for your entertainment............


Merry Karma said...

WHIBSIB...where SEX in the hall is a commonplace occurrence....

Glad your microwave issue got sorted out.

And I could just eat that little boy up with a spoon!!!

Nikki said...

Great video!! He is so cute! And your microwave looks great!