Thursday, August 27, 2009

PopPa D and GramMa Alice

We just keep talking about babies around here..........well......we have to!!! They are everywhere!!!

Since Jeffery and Angela fostering twins....... we get to have them for short periods.........but they do seem to tucker out some of us........

And we have visits from the Grandson, Jake and his significant other Cat and they come with DVDs to introduce us to Olivia Ann I predict some green girly things pretty soon....

We had a few questions come up so I gave my new GrandDaughter Jennifer a shout and she talked to me over 30 minutes without telling me the news......seems Nick wanted to tell PopPa D that they were expecting a little someone in the coming year!!! Yep.......Great Grand #2........

...............and finally............

Last night we had a "family dinner" with Jeff and Angela and the "other Grandparents" to see pictures of .........

....................Jasen Paul Sharp.........

so as you can tell........we are having babies all over the place!!! And loving every moment of it too!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of babies! Congratulations to everyone.

~the ten of us~ said...

oh it is raining babies and i love it!!!! never be too many :o)

Vicki Designs (Schnorkiemom) said...

You are truly blessed, Sis! I'm a little green around the edges, but so very happy for you. Wish my Grands lived close.

Enid said...

Awww I just know those babies are SO blessed to have GramMa Alice around!