Monday, August 31, 2009

Even Cricket can have a bad day......

I am upstairs working on a few things and starting the week out right........when I hear this bark. Nothing to worry about but a steady one bark thing....
I start counting dogs and sure enough Cricket is missing. I was thinking maybe she found a way out of the yard and was wanting back in....she knows it is a bad thing to find yourself in the front yard and no way back in the house. So down the stairs I go in search of the missing Cricket.

The bark seemed to come more from the back of the house.......but I didn't see her anywhere in the yard???? Then I noticed this...

Yep.....if you look really close you will see......
then you get a little closer and see where she has wondered to......
This was not a happy dog.......but after a little help.......


Enid said...

ohh poor baby..that was funny. Sorry little cricket!

Little NutMeg Productions said...

Oh poor Cricket, bet she won't do that again anytime soon!

xo Meghan

Vicki Designs (Schnorkiemom) said...

AHHH...poor baby. You could tell she wasn't happy to be in that hole and that she WAS happy she got out..if not a little embarrassed to be exposed on film! LOL!