Saturday, October 8, 2011


Woke up way too early (2:30 in the am....early) .....after a cup of coffee and some TV time the sun finally peeked out of the clouds........YEP.........clouds!  This has been one of the longest hottest dryest years in a very long was nice looking at all those clouds. 

And what else was there to do but go out and play in the dirt!  The hubby and Sea Bee put in a raised garden for me this year.....but because it was the worst summer ever.....not much was happening out there.  So this morning I decided that it needed to be made a couple of three feet narrower so that an old white haired lady could reach across to the middle and beyond to keep out the unwanted weeds when I have a nice garden (someday).....with the cloudy excuse I got busy....

Got both corners turned when something strange happened.......
I wanted to just stay out in it!!!  But hubby said I would catch pneumonia so waited it out.........then back out later this afternoon to almost finish up......

I need a couple more blocks to finish up this end.......then will fill it in for Jase to have a spot to dig and plant something.  The far end I will move those strawberry pots and maybe having them in the shade just a tad will help to keep some going again next year.......OK......a gal can dream.

The leaves have started falling so I can load them in the garden....cover with some dirt.....maybe plant some sort of cover crop for the winter.(will ask the Sea Bee's green thumb for advice)...and come next Spring!!  Watch out!  Jase can help GramMa Alice and maybe we will have a nice little garden.

1 comment:

Hooked on Fishing said...

Seabee's advice: Plant "hairy vetch" this fall, and when it gets up about 4 inches call me and I'll come till it under.