Friday, March 12, 2010

Would you believe.....

We had babies TWO days in a row!!!
on Thursday we got to have all three....some may think this is a handful...and it is ......a handful of blessings...
don't you agree???
Jase is always asking for attention...and who wouldn't give him all he needs and more???

The Twins???......well seems if you send them off with PopPa D like this....
they nearly always come back like this.....

There is time for bottles.....
and time for smiles.....

and times that they try to get away......

But like I said is always a blessing.....

Now you wouldn't think there would be much change in them within only 24 hours.....but there was!!
This is Julianna Elizabeth Dean Imholte....she joined our family March 9.
A beautiful bundle of love....Thank you Jenn and Nick....this is what
Great GramMa's live for....


Enid said...

Ha I love the picture with the tong out! haha whata hanfull but I bet you are having lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I bet that makes for a busy day!! Great pictures!

Merry Karma said...

Alice - You have a beautiful family. I enjoyed seeing the pics.