Wednesday, March 3, 2010


If March is to come "in like a Lion and out like a Lamb".....then why did I find this hiding in the weeds of my flower bed???

Last week we had babies.....and that is always a fun time...

Jase is so much fun just to hold or snuggle with.....

......even at a month old he seems to want to see what the world has to offer.

..then there is playing with the Twins.. the walkers..

.... on the floor .....

or just hanging out with PopPa D......
we are either boring or really tire a kid out......
(...sorry about the sideways wasn't that way when it left my computer to come's still cute!)


RoamingKnitter said...

Your babies get cuter by the moment. Give them all a big hug from me.

Enid said...

you are one busy grandma!! Love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

Such cute pictures!