Thursday, November 19, 2009

Way too long

It has been way to long since last instead I just added pictures of the Twins and the fun we have watching them grow........


Vicki Designs (Schnorkiemom) said...

Cute, adorable and too much fun. You are getting way too good at this blogging stuff. Maybe I can spell in this one. :-)

Enid said...

Alice, I think he is looking so much as your son, in the way he look to the fun!!

Nikki said...

The babies just get cuter and cuter. Thanks for sharing the baby cube - very cute!


Little NutMeg Productions said...

So Super adorable, give them lots of squeezy hugs from me!

Barb said...

Love the baby cube....don't they grow fast!!! They are so adorable! Makes me want to give them lots of cuddles.........
Barb (Firelily)