Monday, August 31, 2009

Even Cricket can have a bad day......

I am upstairs working on a few things and starting the week out right........when I hear this bark. Nothing to worry about but a steady one bark thing....
I start counting dogs and sure enough Cricket is missing. I was thinking maybe she found a way out of the yard and was wanting back in....she knows it is a bad thing to find yourself in the front yard and no way back in the house. So down the stairs I go in search of the missing Cricket.

The bark seemed to come more from the back of the house.......but I didn't see her anywhere in the yard???? Then I noticed this...

Yep.....if you look really close you will see......
then you get a little closer and see where she has wondered to......
This was not a happy dog.......but after a little help.......

Thursday, August 27, 2009

PopPa D and GramMa Alice

We just keep talking about babies around here..........well......we have to!!! They are everywhere!!!

Since Jeffery and Angela fostering twins....... we get to have them for short periods.........but they do seem to tucker out some of us........

And we have visits from the Grandson, Jake and his significant other Cat and they come with DVDs to introduce us to Olivia Ann I predict some green girly things pretty soon....

We had a few questions come up so I gave my new GrandDaughter Jennifer a shout and she talked to me over 30 minutes without telling me the news......seems Nick wanted to tell PopPa D that they were expecting a little someone in the coming year!!! Yep.......Great Grand #2........

...............and finally............

Last night we had a "family dinner" with Jeff and Angela and the "other Grandparents" to see pictures of .........

....................Jasen Paul Sharp.........

so as you can tell........we are having babies all over the place!!! And loving every moment of it too!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Today the twins met PopPa D........

....first The Little Man....
then Miss Sweet Thing.....

Hang on Little Man......the ride has just started.......

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What a Wonderful Day!! is a wonderful day when you leave with this........

and come back with this........

because it all adds up to this........

the "little man" and Miss "sweet thing" are blessings from above

born August 6, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009


You wouldn't think that 13 pounds of fur could put a family in a tailspin...but it happens. Cricket proved it........

Last Tuesday Richard noticed that Cricket wasn't eating I watched her the next 24 and sure enough she was drinking but not one bite of food was going off to the Vet we went. I was thinking it was probably a tooth and just making it hard to chew .......

So Thursday morning off to the Vet we go........Dr. R is a great man.....he came in and I told him what was going he had blood pulled and said I could leave her and come back in 30 minutes and he would have results......nope I would wait (never can tell when it helps to move things along) we waited....the nurses kept checking on me and brining in different things to sit on.....before long I had a tall stool......a short stool.....then a nice comfy chair.....anyway......Dr R comes back and says that it looked like Cricket's kidneys were shutting he wanted to "flush" them with an IV and recheck the he took her and off he went.......I was stunned!!! She hadn't looked sick.....just not eating.......the nurse stayed behind to have me sign paperwork and I asked lots of questions.....she said not to worry....looked like we had caught it early.......

Not to worry.........yeah .......right.........I came home told Richard he tells me the same......I call my best friend , who knows lots about dogs and she hits the internet and keeps me calmed......then another friend called to check on my sanity and that helped as well.........these two kept me from being a total basket case!!

Later Vicki called and insisted that I call the Vet to see where things were.....I was thinking "no news is good news" after a call I hear that it isn't Pancreatius (a good thing) and that they aren't too worried that things should be this doesn't help with sleeping through the night.....for me or Richard........

Next morning I call and Dr R says "the little raskcal had paced in the crate and kinked the IV so not as much fluid as he wanted in" she needed to stay the day............called later in the day and he said the numbers were down (which was a good thing) but he wanted to start her on a antibiotic for a slight fever.....I could probably come get her in the morning and bring her home for the weekend because they couldn't get her to eat for them.......OK...........

Early Saturday morning Dr R calls and tells me to "Come get this Rascal....there's nothing wrong with her"...........????............seems she had a build up of something in her system....or she ate something that just didn't agree with her system.......something her kidney's couldn't filter.........could be something genetic.......who knows......but we now have her on a "kidney friendly" diet.........she didn't care for the offering at the Vets......but then I don't blame her........think hospital food...........anyway we have her back home...

She seemed very glad to be back with Hunker and Spookie .....even with the new "trim" ....notice the knees???
.......but wondered if we could convence her that Tbone is now a bad thing and Veggies are better....because "kidney friendly" means less protein and more fiber .....kinda hard for a 'gravy kinda gal'....

Supper time came.....
Now Richard has always fixed the dishes for the dogs to eat.......he mixes and mashes the dry dog food with canned food and really makes some noise...........
so last night he just plopped some of the new stuff for Cricket in her bowl.......chunked it up a little and put it down for her to eat...........then went through the orchestra of fixing the other's food...............

WELL.............. she slowly walked over to her bowl ........looks at it........then backs up......sits down and waits for what he is fixing the others..........

I told him he needed to at least pretend he was putting more love in that bowl or she just wasn't gonna eat.......he said 'sure'.......and feed the others.........

when he came back in the kitchen there is Cricket still waiting..............

I said "well???" he picks her bowl back up........turns his back to her and begins mashing and cutting and making all the right noises.......bangs the spoon three times on the edge of the bowl (this is a must! he does it every time for each) then puts the bowl down.......

Cricket walks over it a little sniff ......then proceeds to eat every bite........backed off.......sat and looked at him like "is that all?" another spoonful and more noise ........and she eats that too...........then looks at him......drinks some water ........and goes to sit in his spot on the recliners.......

I haven't laughed quiet so much in the last few days...........