Sunday, June 21, 2009

my Birthday Month

I am falling behind much has been going on this month I can't seem to keep up.......first there were favorite Ex-In-Laws celebrated their 60th!!! That is a major accomplishment in anyone's books.

Then came my Birthday......I am finding saying "I am 56" takes a bit of thought......funny how 55 just rolled off the tounge......I was well remembered and I will say that Richard surprised me much this year.....his gift was a GPS thingy for my car.....that was nice....but when he said "I wanted to make sure you could always find your way home to me".........well..............

The Sea Bee, Angela, the Kid, and Alissa came over for Beer 'n the Rear Chicken and a very nice evening........we celebrated my month and Father's Day over the last week........

Shelley and Rick drove down today to "cheer" their Dad on during his regular Sunday Morning golf game.......

and just think.......there is still 10 more days to celebrate!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Finally!! it is Eight Weeks!!

I have been waiting for the past few weeks to that 8 weeks have passed I am gonna share the news!!!

Jeffery and Angela are gifting us with Grandchild #11........they told us right before we left for the Vegas wedding .......but we were keeping this special thing just for ourselves for just a bit.....

You can read all about what is happening on Angela's blog

it has been a long wait for them......but will be worth it.......kept telling them it would happen.....after all.....I knew Jeffery deserved being a parent.......was pretty sure Angela did too... will be fun to sit back and see them get 'payback' for their growing up...........

Now comes the fun part.........collecting and knitting things for this little bundles' arrival.......will be keeping you posted.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

June already...and that means BRIDES!! was nearly .....

The first of the grandchildren have begun new lives. Nick (#4 in the line up) married a wonderful young lady on the 23rd of May......we went to Vegas to join in the fun. The trip was only four days but we managed to pack lots of memories in there.

I got to spend some 'one-on-one' time with Jesse (#8)...we watched College Women Softball tournaments and discussed the pro's and con's as well as the differences in that and the baseball he plays. Believe it or not I was able to keep up with all the advice and questions that appeared from nowhere. Took some thinking on a few but managed somehow.
I also got to "knit" with Journey (#10)......and I am happy to announce at the age of 4 she has mastered the Knit Stitch!!!
There were other things going remember lots of food.....
some gambling (of course)...I managed to win $12......but we won't talk about how much it took to do that......
...some pool time.......
and OH YES!!! the Wedding!!!.......I have added all my pictures to my Picasa album here...... ....along with a few pictures of the room that we were given.....and a few others......but the main event was being there for the new Imholte's...........

.................they are our future!