Monday, February 23, 2009

Miracles happen....just watch........

First let me say the tulips lasted just a couple more days.....they didn't grow after the last cut...and instead of loosing petals they just grew a darker color and slowly faded away.......I loved having them around for so long......

Now let me tell you about today...

..the Sea Bee had to have two wisdom teeth up at 6......shower......get ready and on the road to Austin before 8.......traffic was kind and we actually got there a little early.....even after we took the little scenic route just a little past our turn off......

Jeffery would have to tell how the "procedure" went......I sat in the lobby and knitted........but afterward they came and got me so I could be the second set of ears for "how to follow up"..........then the Dentist came in and shut the door.....

For those that haven't spent as many hours in a dentist's chair as I have.....a shut door isn't always a good sign.......

He told us how things went and that he would need to see Jeffery again to check on the healing........then told us to stop by the desk to make an appointment and that would be all.......?????...........I know I looked at him .... and that was when he made me cry ....
..... He held out his hand to shake Jeffery's and said.....

"No Charge......and Thank YOU for serving our country.......I am lucky to have young men like you willing to do this for me"........

Today I was reminded .....
....Angels come in all sizes ...
... Occupations............

Now.........wouldn't you have cried too???

Thursday, February 19, 2009 had to happen....

The Valentine flowers are coming to an end...... The roses are heading to the compost bin.....but those Tulips!!!

I took one last picture before cutting off again.......and you can tell a few of them were ready to leave.....but it has been a week and a day......not counting before they got here........

....But I did manage to save the strongest......cut off nearly 4 inches ......(they were beginning to slime up a bit on the bottoms).........and have them now in a smaller glass in the kitchen window so I can see while working in there..........

.......wonder if they are tired of growing yet???

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spring is in the Air........

Well it must be......because there were two men in my backyard just working away like it was......

This is the section that I do MY cooking out of doors ........"no men allowed!!"......I love to smoke and love the this is my grill and that would make it my area.............anyway...........we have been needing to replace the woodend retaining walls since we moved in.......last year we pulled them out and Jeffery and Angela poured cobblestones for me......... to replace the wall..........

......they did do a good job of for mixing the cement and pouring.......that is for another day...........everything went fine .....well......except for the few minutes Jeffery put Richard in "time out"...

but he doesn't look like that was worrying him too much...
Remember the tulips Jesse and Journi sent me for Valentines??

..... they don't realize they are CUT and that means basically they are are they growing taller every day????.......I even cut them off twice.....1 inch each time!! I just don't understand.......but here they are from the beginning......
Day 1......just barely showing above the leaves.....

Day can see the blooms now......and they are just even with the globe on the Knitting Granny......and this was after I had cut an inch off and replaced water........

Day 5......above the dome.......

Day 6.... see they have grown!!!.......

They are still going strong whole week!!!.......and I will be replacing the water and cutting another inch off tonight (that is 3 inches cut to date).......will take a picture and see what happens tomorrow........
Now the roses that my Wonderful Hubby gave me are about ready to leave the building...
....but sure were nice to have around......

Friday, February 13, 2009

Flowers and Babies.....

First let me show you what tulips will do.......

Did you know they would grow after they are cut???
I sure didn't.....but according to the instructions that came with them.....they will.......and look........they did!! This is the second day I have had them.....cut an inch off both days and you can see the blooms are above the leaves now......learn something new every day......

now for Babies.....
...a Darling little girl just entered our family this past month......and according to tradition I sent her a ring. This is something my Mom always did and so I continue on in her name. But I had the itch to knit something for her as well..... Of course I forgot to take pictures before sealing the box......but her Mom came through for here is Cadence in her hat and booties knitted by her "Great (??) Aunt" Alice.......
The pattern is called Ruffles for Kate by a designer I found on Ravelry.

You can find it here....
I used the suggested size needles and Bernat Baby Yarn....they really were fun to knit and know I will be doing this pattern again and again.....
Her Mom ....Jennifer.....also has a blog with more pictures and the "rest of the story".......and if I knew how to 'embed' the addy I would so here it is the old fashion way until I learn better......
and since I began with flowers.....
....I will end with the flowers the Best Ever Husband gave me today........

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love is in the Air

When you see a FedX van stop in front of your just know it is a good thing.......Well this afternoon this is what that nice man left me....

.....opened the box......

and found a note.......

that goes with it all..... AND candy!!!
I am lucky to have Grandkids that are raised by such a sweet DIL.....

Thank you Jesse and the tulips open up more each day I will be thinking of you.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Nice way to spend a Saturday

Yesterday was the LLM....or Little Local Meet.....a group of knitters in my area gather once a month to sit and knit .......well.......we do a bit of talking too.....then there is the food.......hmmm???.......well we gather once a month to have a nice afternoon.........

This month we met at Nikki's house ......several ladies from the Austin area were there along with myself.

It is always fun to get together with other knitters because we share problems with patterns ......bring new yarns to pet......and get a chance to show our FOs (Finished Objects).......
Funny thing though........for a Local Meet........there were only 3 Locals and 5 from Austin???.......we were out-numbered!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

little later.......

The trimming is done.......the truck is loaded.......
and doesn't it look so much nicer??
now only thing left to trim was..........
.....Spookie......but she was needing a

a trimming she got.......

She is much happier with short hair......I just may need to knit a sweater for her though if Spring doesn't hurry......just look how happy she is now!!
Can't you see her smile???

First it was quiet.....

then I heard something......
went to the front door.......
and this is what I found...
The tree at our front door was needing to be trimmed back.....seems the local birds were using it as a banking area..... Yes....our cars always seem to have some sort of deposit left on them pretty much daily. We are really hoping that this will slow down now that the waiting area has been removed. Will take a picture when all is finished.
..... is nice to have a hubby and Sea Bee around when work is needing to be done.......