Saturday, July 28, 2012

It is so nice when you get the call.......

.........and Jase just wants to stop by for a visit...
Lucky for us he likes to bring the family.
...but the BIG surprise was .....

 I suggested Lilly may need to start wearing bells!

......Lilly still has her favorite people...
...the She isn't suppose to move and make "us" find her......

Sunday, July 15, 2012

What's better than a little watermelon on a Sunday afternoon?

Well if you are sharing with the Grands.........nothing!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

I had a date!

Yesterday GramMa picked up her best bud Jase and we went out for ice cream.  I hadn't been to the little Ice Cream Shoppe here in Cove......but Jase had so he knew just how to order......

We sat down and was amazed at the creation sat before us!

But where to start? Well someone had no problem with that.........  we just had fun........
(who knew that all those lovely colors would just turn blue?)

Last I wrote was April???

Many things have happened since then........WOW .........where have the days gone????

I got a little older........and had songs sung many times over......

..........we  had cake to share too!..........

We have had rain.......planted trees......harvested garden......and knitting.....always knitting.......but most of all........I have been blessed by family and friends....