I asked what he wanted for his Birthday and he said "A jelly roll like Ma Darnell use to make.....Strawberry would be nice"...well....this seemed easy enough.......so went through Mom's Recipe Box......and gathered the ingredients then baked up the cake part.......spread on the jelly ......then the trouble started...... I have made these before but it has been sometime.....I knew you had to spread sugar on the area you place the cake part so it is easier to roll.......but what I seemed to forget was how long the cake should cool before doing this......well......it ain't a pretty thing......but it tastes just fine

...now would you believe Rodney wanted to spend the day at the Sea Bee and DILs so he could have a "baby day" ??
He is Uncle Ro-Ro to the twins and a few un-official nieces and nephews around......and he is very good at it!.........well.....except for the changing poopy pants part.
Rodney works for US105 Radio......he has done just about everything around there from starting out in sales to helping with broadcasts and now is the Promotions Co-Ordinator. At the moment the Children's Miracle Network is his big promotion.....among the things he does with this is interview some of the children and their families....and I have seen it open his heart to something that everyone takes for granted....

I have watched this little guy grow into a loving man with a huge heart and am proud to say that he is my Baby.....

Happy Birthday Son........